Our clients

Are our collection services right for your business?

Yes, without a doubt.

Whether you’re an e-commerce business selling to customers or a B2B business,

Whether you have a few files each year or several hundred every week,

Whether the average amount of your unpaid invoices is €20, €200, €2,000, or €20,000, we have the solution to recover the money you’re owed.



Simply put, with more than 65 years of collection experience, we’ve created, updated, adapted, and refined truly effective recovery processes that are suitable for any business.

B2B recovery

Your debtors are French companies, and each file requires personalized handling because a simple email won’t be enough to recover several thousand or tens of thousands of euros. Thanks to the expertise of our specialists, we can offer you truly effective recovery services for B2B invoices.

Mass e-commerce recovery

The requirements for mass e-commerce recovery are very specific. Whether it’s the transmission of files or carrying out large quantities of effective follow-ups, we have something perfect for your needs.


We work together

Here are some typical examples of the professionals and companies using our services. Of course, this list is not exhaustive, but you’ll probably be able to recognize yourself in it.

Et bien plus...

Amicable recovery

The collection of an unpaid invoice must begin with an amicable recovery phase. Here, we contact the debtor by all the means at our disposal so that they proceed to rapidly settle their account.

The objective of this amicable phase is to obtain the rapid settlement of an unpaid debt, but also to bring to light any disputes on the part of the debtor. In such cases, the experience of Cabinet d’Ormane negotiators serves to achieve a negotiated solution in the best interests of our clients.

In some instances, amicable recovery proves impossible and it is then necessary to go to judicial recovery.


Judicial recovery

“Judicial recovery” refers to all the procedures involved in implementing a court decision. This can be a payment order, but also a commercial referral, or even a summons on the merits

The most effective procedure is generally the payment order; it combines flexibility, speed, and a reduced cost.

At Cabinet d’Ormane, we make extensive use of payment orders for both civil and commercial claims.





Etudes de cas

Manque de ressources pour relancer vos impayés ?

Confiez votre dossier à nos conseillers. Nous prenons en main la gestion de votre compte client à l’étape que vous souhaitez.