International B2B recovery
Your clients are businesses and merchants.
Late payments and non-payments weigh on your cash flow, increase your need for financing, and tie up resources, materials, and personnel that could be better utilized.
It’s in your interest to focus on your core business and delegate the management of late and outstanding payments to a collection specialist. Cabinet d’Ormane will be able to execute effective interventions to quickly recover the sums owed to you, amicably, or by legal means if necessary, as we manage the entire procedure.
Our experts are based in France, so they’re familiar with French law and the habits of French debtors. They know how to make your French clients pay up.
C'est gratuit !
Why turn to a collection specialist?
Simply put, to get paid. You’re already a specialist in e-commerce and the products you sell; if your passion is serving your clients and satisfying them, chasing after them to get your invoices paid is not what you signed up for.
Of course, you’ve already followed up with your clients without success, and now you want to settle the matter quickly without paying anything in advance and without risk for you.
That’s why you need to take the next step by turning to a collection specialist.
Cabinet d’Ormane will take over and collect your outstanding e-commerce payments, and we only charge you fees if we recover your money.
By getting a collection company involved, you show your overdue clients that you’re determined to obtain payment of your invoices, amicably or, if necessary, by involving the courts. Your clients shouldn’t feel safe from your claims just because they’re in France.
Furthermore, in the event of a commercial dispute with your client, the involvement of a third party promotes a dialogue by providing an emotional buffer between the conflicting parties. Discussions by intermediary thus lead to the resolution of the problem.
When it comes to outstanding payments, you have to act right away
Did you know that the sooner we intervene, the more effective our actions are? Don’t let your outstanding payments age. If your debtors aren’t responding to your reminders, it’s in your interest to send them to us without waiting for recovery. Negligent debtors will only correct their situation if what they owe is vigorously demanded. And when they realize that Cabinet d’Ormane are in charge of their file, they know you mean business.
Thanks to our website, you can send us your outstanding payments without delay so we can take immediate action.
Our approach
Agreements rather than legal proceedings.
As soon as we receive your file, we study it carefully and immediately take the action that we think is the most effective for obtaining a rapid settlement. We always promote amicable settlements over legal proceedings by moving forward in stages:
Amicable interventions:
Written reminders, phone calls, SMS, and emails.
Negotiation or proceedings:
Implementation of a settlement solution, or in the absence of agreement, legal proceedings after our client’s approval.
Debtor settlement:
The different forms of collection are direct payments, installment settlements, and transactions between the parties.
Repayment of funds collected at the end of the month, after deducting our fees
Why work with us?
Why work with us?
With d’Ormane, collection is online.
Cabinet d’Ormane has always been a pioneer in new technologies. Thanks to our website, you can send us your outstanding payments, consult the status of all your files, collections received, etc. We keep you updated by email at each important stage of your files’ progress, as well as of any payments received. If we need a supporting document, you can upload it on our site.
In addition, thanks to our APIs, you can automate file transfers and consultations.
They work with us
Documentation request
Notre documentation comprend une explication très détaillée sur notre méthodologie et nos tarifs.
De plus, vous recevrez également un code d’accès à notre site web pour nous transmettre tout de suite vos premiers impayés.
Le débiteur a fait trois chèques à échéance au 20 octobre au 20 novembre et au 20 décembre pour un total de 6.501,03 euros.